When the news and media began broadcasting the spread of the virus, I remember Akin and I praying for it not to affect our wedding dates which were quickly approaching on 04-04-2020, with our traditional wedding on April 2nd. All hope changed when president Trump confirmed in a press conference that COVID-19 was to be declared a national emergency.
The strict regulations were then announced: There were to be no large gatherings of more than 50 people in a setting—this included weddings. And that was it. This led us to our next steps. We reached out to our venues who also confirmed that they were closing down their doors until further notice.
Although we were left in a state of shock, our faith did not yield. We are thankful for our great team of vendors and most especially our wedding planners who went above and beyond to ensure that potential new dates could be accommodated by most, if not all, of our booked vendors. It is important to mention that God’s plans always prevail. Yes, we had prayed over the April wedding dates, but we truly do not know what God was protecting us or loved ones from on those dates.
In times of uncertainty in the world, I love that my husband and I never let fear and doubt shake us. It was important to remain steadfast in prayer and positive during these times.
That same night, we all came to the conclusion that the wedding had to be postponed. We updated our wedding website and sent out email notifications to our registered guests about the news. Here is a snapshot of what our update looked like on our wedding website.

We clicked send and that was it. The wedding that was supposed to take place in two weeks was now resting in God’s hands. Funny enough, the government never mentioned when the social gathering ban would be lifted. We just knew that we had to keep pushing, keep having faith, and most importantly, keep loving each other.
Our new date will be prayed over. Remember, everything must be laid upon God’s hands.
My advice to future couples who have to postpone their dates is to remain positive and take it one step at a time. One meeting at a time. One breath at a time. Try not to be overwhelmed. Your wedding planner plays a key role in confirming a new date and ensuring that a majority of your vendors remain available.
[ Always remember to use compassion, especially in times of adversity. ]

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