Sex plays an important role in all relationships–whether it is the decision to engage in it or to refrain from it for various reasons. When you enter into a new relationship, it is important to have this discussion with your significant other.
As emotions develop, so will the desire to engage in sex, but if you and your partner have mutually decided to refrain from sex, it’s important to make known the reason why. If there is no defined purpose, both of you will eventually fall into bed.
Choosing to engage in sex creates a much deeper emotional bonding when two come together. Keep in mind though, that your spouse or significant other is intended to be your best friend. Once we invite them into our honest and pure lives, they become a crucial player in it. Cherish them. Take the time to get to know them deeply before engaging in this special physical union.
If your relationship moves into its sexuality too quickly, it can cloud your genuine evaluation of the relationship. In the early stages, it’s important to separate the superficial lust and attraction from the true compatibility of our significant others.
Ask yourself: is this person really a good friend to me? How well do I relate with this person?
When you separate the physical qualities of your partner, you can then decipher if this person is indeed a good fit for your life. Moving into a sexual relationship too quickly makes you stay in relationships longer than you should have. And when that relationship now comes to an end, the hope is that you will not regret giving yourself physically to someone.
Have the discussion with your partner early on in the relationship and as your friendship grows, you can both determine when to enter into a sexual relationship. There is no rush to engage in sex. If it is the right person, they will stay the right person and sex will be a part of your lives for a very long time.
My advice is to simply live life with no regrets. Take the time to pray and really know your value and worth. Don’t give yourself to just anybody and remember, anything that is worth waiting for is always worth the wait.
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