If you find yourself working from home (WFH) due to COVID-19, you may not have been prepared for all that goes into setting up your home office, cooking your meals while working, and spending more time with your partner. Having to adjust to this new reality for some can be daunting for some. Thankfully, I am used to working from home but the length of time spent at home during this quarantine is definitely a new norm. I’m used to hopping onto the plane at least once a week, but here I am, working remotely for the past four weeks with no end to the lockdown just yet. So let’s make the best of it. Here are some tips to help keep you sane as you find yourself working from home:
Set a Schedule
Keep the same routine as you would if you were physically going into the office. Not only does it motivate you and keep you from laying in bed all day, but it also helps you focus and productive. If your daily routine consisted of coffee and a quick bite, you can still continue to do so by having coffee and breakfast with your partner as if they were your co-worker.
Get Dressed
Wake up at the same time you normally would and clean up. Taking a shower rejuvenates you and allows you to prep for the day ahead. Your WFH co-worker (your partner) doesn’t want to see you in your pajamas all day. By putting on clean clothes, you will feel the extra boost of energy to tackle on the day. Ladies, brush your hair and feel free to put on light makeup, whether it be just lipstick or your favorite tinted lip balm. Your partner would appreciate your efforts of upkeep. Remember to do what makes you happy.
Make Time for Each Other
My husband works downstairs in the office while I stay upstairs so we rarely see each other unless I make my way downstairs to visit the fridge. Although we are both at home, we rarely see each other before ending our day around 4 or 5pm in the evenings. I love that he makes it a point to invite me to lunch. He’d say “see you at 12 for lunch?” I love the invitation to sit, eat a home cooked meal, and chat about topics outside of work. Set a lunch break where you and your partner can unplug from work and enjoy each others’ company. This allows you both to connect with each other.
Take a Break
Working from home can go two ways – you’re either highly productive or highly lethargic. Log off at the same time you normally would if you were in the office. Although it is rather tempting to stay online and plugged in, use your time wisely. If you have been productive during your normal work hours, then feel comfortable in the sense that you have done a good day’s work. Work will be there again tomorrow, so don’t overwork yourself.
Stay Active
Sitting at a desk all day can be tiring on your body. When you find yourself with a little less work, put your Skype messaging on “Away” and go for a quick walk around the neighborhood. A quick breather can help refresh and recharge you as you power through the day. Staring at a computer screen all day long is also not beneficial to your eyes. Enjoy nature and the different colors the outdoors have to offer.

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